
For over 50 years Beloved Archives has collected hundreds of recordings by those who met Avatar Meher Baba in India and the West. We preserve a vast repository of recordings of seekers who met Meher Baba during his travels from Hamirpur to Hardwar, from London to Los Angeles and from Benares to Bangalore and in the towns and villages in the East and West.

Meeting Meher Baba. What is it to be in Meher Baba’s presence? What is it to meet God in human form?

These and many other questions are answered by those who met Meher Baba during his Avataric Ministry and have shared their spiritual experiences in recordings that we have preserved at Beloved Archives.

BELOVED ARCHIVES presents podcasts on the life, work and teachings of Avatar Meher Baba from the vast collection of recordings in our archival vault.

The greatest spiritual lessons learned from those who met and lived with the Avatar of the Age, Meher Baba

The Beloved Archives Collection includes:

  • Hundreds of recordings of those who met Meher Baba, as well as private recordings donated by those seekers who visited Meherabad and Meherazad and interviewed and recorded Meher Baba’s close disciples, Mehera, Mani, Eruch, Rano and other members of the mandali (close disciples).

  • Private interviews conducted with Eruch Jessawala at Meherazad in 1969 by Naosherwan Anzar on the incredible journeys with the Master during the New Life.

  • The Meher Baba Oceanic recordings in London, donated by Pete Townshend, were made using Revox A77 tape machines and studio quality microphones and, engineered by David Hastilow and John Fazio.

  • Dara Irani, at the behest of Pete Townshend, recorded Meher Baba’s close disciples on a Stellavox professional stereo recorder with SONY Microphones in Mandali Hall and at the Ahmednagar Meher Baba Centre.

  • Irwin Luck and his crew traveled throughout India, Iran, the US, Europe, England and several places in search of seekers who met Meher Baba and recorded their experiences in 1971-72 using ¼” Akai videotapes on 5” Reels on an Akai videotape recorder.

Recordings donated by Pete Townshend and Irwin Luck shared with their kind permission.

We will feature on an ongoing timely basis podcasts that will vary in length, but the contents will give the listener an insight to Meher Baba’s teachings and an experience of being in his presence.

You can tune into the Beloved Archives recordings at no cost by subscribing onto our podcast feed at

As we edit and streamline our podcasts we will upload them and also keep you informed of our upcoming presentations via email if you wish to receive notices of upcoming uploads.


If you have in your collection audio tapes and video films of those who met and lived with Meher Baba, please write to us at: Once you donate them to the Archives, we will convert them to MP3s and MP4s and a digitized set will be sent to you for your private listening and viewing pleasure, and we will share them with the global Meher Baba community.

VOLUNTEERS: Are you interested in serving the Beloved? If you do, please let us know that you would like to volunteer as a transcriber of recordings. Once we hear from you, we will send MP3s for you to transcribe in the comfort of your home.


HOW TO LOVE GOD? Bhau Kalchuri, one of Meher Baba’s close disciples, in an intimate, free-wheeling conversation with Naosherwan Anzar. It was recorded at Beloved Archives in 2003 in Princeton, New Jersey. It starts with the question: Who is Meher Baba and discusses aspects of his life, work and teachings. It is 1 hour and 18 minutes long.

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Rano Gayley interviewed by Naosherwan Anzar soon after Meher Baba dropped His body in 1969 - Madeline (Rano) Gayley, daughter of Estelle (Nonny) Gayley was an artist who had worked for some years designing fabrics in New York. Rano was destined to serve the Avatar as one of the women mandali in Meherazad. In 1940, during the Bangalore stay Rano, under Meher Baba’s direction, worked on the Ten Circles chart which she had begun a few years before in Nasik. She had also begun another large painting of Baba wearing a turban. One day in January, when she was finishing this painting, she somehow did not feel satisfied with the expression in Baba’s eyes. Baba happened to come to her room right at that moment and Rano expressed her quandary. Baba himself picked up a brush, mixed some color and dabbed a bit on the left eye in the painting, instantly improving the expression! “Now don't touch it!” he declared. It was perfect. In 1969, an incident happened to Rano. She brought a watercolor of the “Mastery In Servitude” emblem that she had done for Adi Irani Jr. She wanted Baba to touch it before she mailed it. Baba did so and expressed that He was pleased, and then gestured, “Embrace Me.” Rano later recollected: “Baba looked so fragile then that I was almost afraid to touch Him, so I touched Him very lightly. But when He embraced me, it was the strong embrace of the old days.” It was the last embrace she had from Baba. Rano passed away on December 5, 1986 at Meherazad.

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Meher Baba had once warned that an accident would befall him, but no one had given it serious thought. On this fateful day he told those of us in the second car, again and again, to keep up with the first car and not to get lost... When on May 24 [1952], we reached Oklahoma — in the heart of America — our car was late for the rendezvous and we were getting anxious. Suddenly we we came upon a group of people on a grassy bank and saw Baba and the women lying there . . . Horrified we rushed to the spot and I recall so vividly the extraordinary expression on Baba's face — his eyes not seeing the immediate, but far away. He said nothing, did nothing but let everything be done to him. He had once said that he would shed blood on American soil and here, from his head injury, he was bleeding freely on the ground. I had with me a little pillow and I gave it to put under Baba's head and so it became stained with blood. Pete Townshend interviewed Delia de Leon in 1976 at the Meher Baba Oceanic in London on Meher Baba's Accident in 1952.

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  • Copyright © 2019-2020 Beloved Archives, Hamilton, New Jersey, USA. All quotes of Meher Baba copyright © Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust, unless otherwise indicated. The Beloved, its contents and photographs, copyright © Beloved Archives, unless otherwise indicated. All Rights Reserved.